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Tag: outer-join

MySQL to fill in the blanks with NULLs when their isn’t a row based on set number of IDs from the join

Looking to fill in the blanks with NULLs when there isn’t a record that is for a row that I am expecting. Consider the following wp_posts (p) ID post_title 1 Week 1 2 Week 2 3 Week 3 4 Week 4 5 Week 5 wp_users (u) ID user_email 1 2 3 4 5 wp_learndash_user_activity (lua)

Missing rows in full outer join

I am trying to count how many users are observed on each of the 3 consecutive days. Each of the 3 intermediate tables (t0, t1, t2) has 2 columns: uid (unique ID) and d0 (or d1 or d2, which is 1 and indicates that the user is observed on that day). The following query: produces this output from spark.sql(q).toPandas().set_index([“d0″,”d1″,”d2”]): Two

PostgreSQL equivalent of Pandas outer merge

I am trying to do in Postgres the equivalent of Pandas outer merge, in order to outer merge two tables. Table df_1 contains these data: Table df_2 contains these data: So Table df_1 has one extra column (random_id) than df_2. Also, job_id 1711418 and worker_id 45430 exist in both df_1 and df_2. If I use the “outer merge” method in
