Update multiple rows , is using a bulk update a good solution or something like the code below works ? . I supposed wanted to update all the records with the id and filename. I did try to update …
Tag: javascript
What is the correct syntax for replacements within a SQL string
I am attempting to do a basic search in my sqlite3 database with this JavaScript: This works but is vulnerable to SQL injection. I am trying to get the sqlite replacements parameter to work but I cannot get the syntax right. Sqlite doesn’t want to replace anything within the string literal. What is the correct way to write this so
Unable to show the data in table according to the value entered in serach field [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This is my table search field. And this my script for getting the data searched by the user. As i
How can I create a column with time HH:MM from a timestamp column with time HH:MM:SS in my dataset [closed]
How can I create a column with time HH:MM from a timestamp column with time HH:MM:SS in my dataset
mysql table AUTO increment keeps incrementing in steps of instead of 1. Like 41,51,61
Even after deleting all rows in the table continues. It continues adding from the last inserted id. I used this to create my table adding users with a signup route and it keeps incrementing in steps of 10 this is the code that is used the 10 rows of json data Answer That’s normal behavior of MySQL and often intended,
Using one query to look up multiple tables with one input
the query is at line 103 This is the query I used (on Visual Studio Code)2I have a problem and I’ll try to explain it. We have to create a functioning website for one of my classes, and one of the …
Sequalize js how to make multiple like condition with OR operation
I have an array of words which I want to search into a database with Sequalize [‘orange’, ‘apple’, ‘apricot’] How can I achieve a query like this with Sequalize ? Answer Something like this:
Is this php login system secure? [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Is this login page secure, researching about sql-injection, is their a vulnerability if so how do I manage it? I previously
Contents of a folder (retrieved via stored procedure) not loading onto page
I’m running a stored procedure in order to get the contents of a folder and display them on a page. When I run the procedure I can see all of the documents that are in the folder, but on the page …
How to bybass sql injection error in Javascript
I am getting sql injection error while trying to run the below code in javascript. I am trying to see a way to update this using parameter or some place holders to bybass the injection error but I am …