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Tag: javascript

How to pass a question mark express router api to update sql

I want to update a varchar field (String) using and End-Point Api (Express NodeJS) but I have problem went I pass invalid inputs like question mark. Express End-Point: This code work fine: http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/posts/TITLE/When/1/1 But this NOT WORK: http://localhost:3001/api/updateField/posts/TITLE/When?/1/1 I send the request from react like this: Answer Use javascript function encodeURIComponent() to escape special characters in URL parameters. For example

mySQL: Select rows if text column contains an item on a blacklist

I am trying to create a query that can select all posts from my database that contain a blacklisted tag unless the post contains a whitelisted tag. Tags are stored in a text column (i.e., ” tag1 tag2 tag3 “). Take for example this pseudo code: Is it possible to generate a query using the contents of whitelist and blacklist

How to update multiple records in Codeigniter

In above code snippet first function is declared in controller and second function is declared in model. I want to update owner for multiple rows having ids in $astrep. Can anyone please help me? Answer You can use whereIn() or orWhereIn() methods from query builder class. Refer

UDF JavaScript implementation into Snowflake

I found usefull JS function that I want to implement into snowflake’s UDF in order to move complex computation to the dwh. Attempt to rework above as SQL procedure: Execution fails with error: SQL compilation error: Invalid identifier which is odd since procedure has been created. Answer You’re almost there. To pass an array, try using ARRAY_CONSTRUCT or PARSE_JSON,

How to correctly execute this promise based SQL Query?

I’m using MySQL2 to connect my Node.js app with a MySQL Database. Unfortunately trying to perform some promise based prepared statements I just can’t get a proper function setup that either returns successfully after entering the record or to throw an error whenever something goes wrong. Any ideas on how to fix the code below? Answer you can use the

SQL transaction with JS Array of Objects?

Say i have an Array of Objects Now i create a comma seperated list To pass it to sql.transaction? is there any other way then to loop through the array and pass object each by one or can i pass bulk array? When i pass the comma_seperated_list_response it says Error object Object Answer If every object into your array should
