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Tag: csv

Data Structure for One Entry with Unknown Number of Tags

Noob here. I am trying to create a class or data structure where each entry has one unique name and an unknown number of descriptive tags. I’d like the data structure to be something I could also easily export to some common format (I am guessing that CSV would not be able to do what I am asking since I

SQL Select Statement – Automation Anywhere

I am trying to write an SQL select statement where i only extract two columns from a csv which has been connected as a CSV. The select statement query i am using is: Which extracts all data in the table as expected, I wish to only extract data in columns with headers: The below line of code throws a syntax

SQL function to generate new row per event?

I’ve looked for an answer here to no avail; wondering if this problem is best suited outside SQL environment but thought I’d see how it could be solved. I’m trying to look at web journeys and as a result need my data to be in the following format: At present the data is in the following format: I essentially want
