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Tag: crud

Error starting Tomcat context.Exception: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException.Message:Error creating bean with name ‘h2Console’ def

I have this simple CRUD Spring HTTP Service (see ). I would like to achieve something like . I made use of Thymeleaf and 2 html files: add-edit-employee.html and list-employees.html. Initial data comes from an sql table: data.sql & schema.sql. When I run the project I get error: Log of the errors 2 Pom file EmployeeEntity class data.sql schema.sql

Query Java doesn’t execute

I’m trying to execute a query on eclipse at my Java program, but it always exit with a exception and don’t execute the query, I read a lot of posts here but no one of them could help me with this. …

Delete a users data from SQL using PHP

Hi im trying to delete a users booking detials when the user clicks delete in my bookingbeforedeltion.php file but for some reason when I test my php file once I click delete it goes to my delete.php screen and says it failed to delete from database and has the error Undefined index: rn. Is my rn not defined? Sorry Im
