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Delete a users data from SQL using PHP

Hi im trying to delete a users booking detials when the user clicks delete in my bookingbeforedeltion.php file but for some reason when I test my php file once I click delete it goes to my delete.php screen and says it failed to delete from database and has the error Undefined index: rn. Is my rn not defined? Sorry Im new to this. Here is my code below:


<html><head><title>BookingBeforeDeletion</title> </head>

include "config.php"; 
$DBC = mysqli_connect("", DBUSER , DBPASSWORD, DBDATABASE);

if (!$DBC) {
echo "Error: Unable to connect to MySQL.n". 
mysqli_connect_errno()."=".mysqli_connect_error() ;

echo "<pre>";  

$query = 'SELECT roomname, checkindate, checkoutdate FROM booking';

$result = mysqli_query($DBC,$query);

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {

echo "Delete Bookings" ?><p><?php 
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
  echo "Room name: ".$row['roomname'] . PHP_EOL;
  echo "Check in date: ".$row['checkindate'] . PHP_EOL;
  echo "Check out date: ".$row['checkoutdate'] . PHP_EOL;

    <a href= 'delete.php?rn=$result[roomname]'>Delete</a> <a href="index.php">[Cancel]</a>
  echo "<hr />";
echo "</pre>";

echo "Connectted via ".mysqli_get_host_info($DBC); 




<html><head><title>BookingBeforeDeletion</title> </head>

include "config.php"; 
$DBC = mysqli_connect("", DBUSER , DBPASSWORD, DBDATABASE);

if (!$DBC) {
echo "Error: Unable to connect to MySQL.n". 
mysqli_connect_errno()."=".mysqli_connect_error() ;

echo "<pre>";  

$query = "DELETE bookingID, roomname, checkindate, checkoutdate, contactnumber,
bookingextras, roomreview, customerID, roomID FROM booking WHERE roomname = 
$result = mysqli_query($DBC,$query);

echo "<font color='green'> Booking deleted from database";
else {
echo "<font color='red'> Failed to delete booking from database";




and I think this will help:

  1. As mentioned above, you need to print it from the PHP
<a href= 'delete.php?rn=$result[roomname]'>
// To 
<a href= 'delete.php?rn=<?= $row['roomname'] ?>'>
// Explanation:
// 1. <?= ... ?> is the short form of <?php echo ... ?>
// 2. The `roomname` came from $row, not $result ($result is the MySQLi Object)
// 3. You need to quote the `roomname` because without it `roomname` will be readed
//    as Constant, and may Throw a Warning message
  1. Your DELETE is incorrect, the correct one is DELETE FROM ... WHERE ...
$query = "DELETE bookingID, roomname, checkindate, checkoutdate, contactnumber,
bookingextras, roomreview, customerID, roomID FROM booking WHERE roomname = 
// To
$query = "DELETE FROM booking WHERE roomname = '$roomname'";

EXTRA: 3. You can assign a default value to $roomname

// To
$roomname=$_GET['rn'] ?? 'default if null';

// if the rn index doesnt exist, the $roomname value will be `default if null` instead of throwing a Warning
  1. Try to use Prepared-Statement SQL instead of writing it. (I dont know the example, but it can prevent SQL Injection)
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