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add bool column within existing table

I am trying to dd a column, to a database with the program Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. I already have a database, with a table, in that table i need to add another column.. but it keeps saying it cannot find type bool or boolean. my code : Any ideas ? side question, any idea how to alter an


I am currently trying to SELECT the DISTINCT FirstNames in a GROUP, using Microsoft Access 2010. The simplified relevant columns of my table looks like this: My actual table contains two columns to which I want to apply this process (separately), but I should be able to simply repeat the process for the other column. The column group number is

PhpStorm SQL code autocomplete

I have used PhpStorm 10, but recently they released a new version. In PhpStorm 10 it was very comfortable to autocomplete SQL code. I could start typing the column name and autocompletion continued my code. At the new version (PhpStorm 2016.2.1) you have to start typing with the table prefix before column name, that is not very convenient. Maybe someone

How to perform a left join in SQLALchemy?

I have a SQL query which perfroms a series of left joins on a few tables: So far, I have: but I can’t figure out how to make the join a LEFT JOIN. Answer The isouter=True flag will produce a LEFT OUTER JOIN which is the same as a LEFT JOIN. With your code: Declarative example:
