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Laravel using where clause on a withCount method

I am trying to do a where clause on withCount method of laravel’s eloquent query builder using this piece of code. and this code is giving me this error. SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘upvotes_count’ in ‘where clause’ (SQL: select , (select count() from upvotes where upvotes.upvoteable_id = and upvotes.upvoteable_type = AppPost) as upvotes_count from posts where

SQL/Regex Challenge/Puzzle: How to remove comments from SQL code (by using SQL query)?

Requirements Single-lines comments (e.g. — my comment) should be removed. Multi-line comments (e.g. /* my comment */) should be removed. The content of strings literals (e.g. ‘this is a multi-line comment: /* my comment */’) should be ignored. The content of identifiers (e.g. “– column 1 –“) should be ignored. literals and identifiers Literals and identifiers can span over multiple

SQL Match individual word?

I am using like statement: %word% but the problem is it also matches words that are inside other words. How can I match words that are separate from the rest in the string like this. I wanna match …
