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Tag: unnest

Athena/Presto : Unnest 2 arrays with left join

So I have 2 Json arrays that need unnesting, and joining based on a key within the json structure. In theory is easy, but without having a ‘left join unnest’ functionality, it all becomes messy. I have achieved what I want, by grouping the results; but I also have concerns that it is doing 2 cross joins, effectively generating many

PostgreSQL parse countries in array against the countries table

We have content and country tables. Country is pretty simple: country_name column defined as string: Albania, Belgium, China, Denmark etc… Content is a table with half a million of rows with various data with countries column defined as array text[]. Each value there has a number of countries concatenated like: {“denmark,finland,france,germany,ireland,gb,italy,netherlands,poland,russia,spain,sweden,australia,brazil,canada,china,india,indonesia,japan,malaysia,vietnam,mexico,”south korea”,thailand,usa,singapore,uae”} The update from internal team is for a
