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Tag: postgresql

Pass In “WHERE” parameters to PostgreSQL View?

I have a rather complicated query on my PostgreSQL database spanning 4 tables via a series of nested subqueries. However, despite the slightly tricky looking appearance and setup, ultimately it will return two columns (from the same table, if that helps the situation) based on that matching of two external parameters (two strings need to match with fields in different

Selecting by month in PostgreSQL

I want to select rows according to the month of a date or timestamp column like this: But I only get error messages in PostgreSQL. How can this be done? Answer You can use EXTRACT function, like this: Your problem comes from the fact that there is no such thing as Month function in PostgreSQL. Check online documentation here to

Change PostgreSQL columns used in views

I would like PostegreSQL to relax a bit. Every time I want to change a column used in a view, it seems I have to drop the view, change the field and then recreate the view. Can I waive the extra protection and just tell PostgreSQL to let me change the field and then figure out the adjustment to the
