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Tag: view

Exclude blank column while Joining two SQL server tables

I have set of vehicle parts stored in two tables as per below: Source Table1: Vehicle_ID Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 1 10 20 30 2 10 20 3 10 Source Table2: Vehicle_ID Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10 1 40 2 30 50 60 3 30 Required Table like below: Vehicle_ID Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 1 10 20 30

Pythonic way to optimize SQL VIEW count to extract information schema metadata from Snowflake

I have 12 VIEW tables in Snowflake and I would like to extract TABLE_NAME,CREATED,LAST_ALTERED from Snowflakes INFORMATION Schema for View tables, and also want to get row count for each 12 VIEW tables, along with metadata for Base table mentioned in below code.I was wondering if there is way get row count using below code for 12 VIEW tables or

Tricky MySQL view

I am finding it very difficult to create a view in MySQL, and hope someone could help me out. This is the schema of my db: This database collects a series of football games and many characteristics for each one, as well as all the teams and the seasons. Thanks to this view (, I am able to generate the

Calculate total units sold and total sales value

Can you help me check my answers whether is this the right way? Im really new to database This is the question This is my answer The reason i use with read only constraint was to enhance the security! Answer The way I see it, query would look like this: If compared to yours: don’t select columns you don’t need

How to add data to a field based on other fields in a SQL database

I have an SQLite table called wcvp constructed from a csv file downloaded from the World Check List of Vascular Plants (see and When I run this query: I get this result: kew_id genus species infraspecies 304293-2 Quercus robur 77189540-1 Quercus robur broteroana 77189379-1 Quercus robur brutia 77189383-1 Quercus robur imeretina 60459295-2 Quercus robur pedunculiflo 77171868-1 Quercus robur
