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Tag: ms-access

Define a temporary table within an SQL “select” query

I’m referring to MS Access SQL. Suppose I have a column with dates of birth of a population and the decades which these dates fall into. I want to create a query which will show how many people were born in each decade of a century. I know it’s going to be something like My problem is that there might

Unpivot Access Data Table

Good afternoon, I would like to unpivot an Access Table. I have almost one hundred of columns in Access and one column with the ID and I would like to unpivot, considering all the columns except de ID into one column called “type” (for example). How could I get it from Access? It doesnt matter if is by a SQL

Can you insert a custom value in an Auto-incrementing field in MS Access

The column auto-increments. User wants to insert a row with a specific number (I’ve confirmed it doesn’t already exist in the column). In SQL Server I’d do a quick SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON and insert statement. Is there a way to this for Microsoft Access or are they just out of luck. Answer Can run an INSERT action SQL. But then

MS Access – Selecting which table to merge

Is there a way to choose which table do I merge using SQL in MS Access through entering parameter value? Let’s say I have 3 tables: Users, 2021 and 2022. Any my query is: I get “Enter Parameter Value” window to filter the code that I want to check, but I would like to get the same to choose other

Convert week number and year to a date in Access-SQL?

In Microsoft Access, I have a table where number of hours worked per weekday are associated to a project number, ISO-week number and year. Simplified, it looks like this: ProjectID WeekNumber YearNumber Monday Tuesday 1 1 2022 5 6 1 2 2022 7 8 I am trying to set up a query where all weekday columns (monday to sunday) are

Missing query data when using Sum

My database in Microsoft Access looks like this: Every Client can have many assistants. Every Assistant may have one client or no clients at all. Assistant have a Nice field which is Boolean, indicating whether the Assistant is nice. I need a query where I can get all of the clients, together with a boolean value indicating whether they have
