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Tag: ms-access

Passing combobox value into SQL query in MS Access

I have a combobox in a form, and I want the text of the combobox to be passed into a query. My query is: The form’s name is Enter Data and the combobox’s name is comboCup. Should i do this: or this? Answer You should use [Forms]![Enter Data]![comboCup]. As @Remou has said, the .Text property of an Access control is

SQL as Control Source for Access Form field

Is there any way populate an Access Form’s text feild’s value using SQL? I have read that it is not possible to simply enter SQL as the Control Source. Is this true? thanks for any halp 🙂 –edit– I need to perform this query; Answer Pretty sure that is true SQL, but you could use the function: =DLookUp(“field_name”,”table_name”,”any_fieldname = ‘value'”)

Export all MS Access SQL queries to text files

I have to document an MS Access database with many many macros queries, etc. I wish to use code to extract each SQL query to a file which is named the same as the query, eg if a query is named q_warehouse_issues then i wish to extract the SQL to a file named q_warehouse_issues.sql I DO NOT WISH TO EXPORT


I am trying to get a count of all items sent to a supplier based on the purchase order they are assigned to. But I can’t seem to get the control to show a number of items based on the purchase order instance – it keeps throwing either a #name? or #error! message in the text box when the form
