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Tag: csv

Joining on 3 csv files

I need to retrieve data from 3 different CSV files (Adres.CSV, ID.CSV and Regios.CSV) and combine this in an Excel table. This SQL statement works fine, StrSQL = “SELECT ID.[ID], Adres.[Naam], …

List of values as table

I’m looking for a smarter way to have a list of values as a table in Oracle. What I do nowadays is select ‘value1’ as val from dual union select ‘value2’ from dual What I’m hoping for is some …

SQL: Efficient way to count and group results by like value

I have a table that looks like this: What is the most efficient way to query it and return the following ? I was thinking to use case when statements but it seems messy. Answer In Presto you can split the delimited list into an array, then unnest the array. This gives you one record per element in each list.
