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Tag: xml

Extracting multiple values from BLOB as XML

I have an XML like this in a BLOB column: As you can see the year can be either in the event level or at country level. There can be multiple events and multiple countries per event. This whole XML is stored in a BLOB column in Oracle. I need to extract the value of the year or better check

Create XML from SQL select query

I am trying to create a xml from a SQL select, but I can not insert “:” (like cac:PartyTaxScheme), neither can put 2 data in one element, look element “cbc:CompanyID” (<cbc:CompanyID schemeName=”31″ schemeID=”0″ schemeAgencyID=”195″>900711000</cbc:CompanyID> ), how can I do it ? Next is the example I want to expect: Thanks a lot Answer Using Xml Linq :
