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Tag: sql

How to translate millis to date and group by month and year in Jooq?

I have the following SQL which works as expected: I’m trying to recreate these SQL in Jooq, but I don’t know how to create a Date object from the milliseconds I have as creation_date in my database. Answer A common confusion when writing SQL GROUP BY is the logical order of SQL operations. While syntactically, SELECT seems to appear before

Stored Procedure error – incorrect syntax near else

I’m working on my first stored procedure, and it’s showing an error at the else (where I have a comment at the else below). If anyone knows how I can fix the error, I’d appreciate it. I’ve tried looking online, and I think it may have to do with my begin/end and if/else positioning. I’m having trouble finding a similar

Update row if exists or insert

I’m working on a web based PHP form that’s currently connect to an Oracle database. I’m trying to get the functionality working so that after a user submits the form it’ll check if a row exists based on the Job Number, if it does then update, otherwise insert the values. It’s bring back an internal server error at the moment

Convert this SQL into eloquent ORM

I want to convert the following sql statement into eloquent: I did this as like below: The problem is that it is converting to the same sql but showing error. The error is shown below: * order_number, order_id, sum(quantity) as qty, sum(price) as pr from orders right join order_details on = order_details.order_id group by order_number) * The tables are:
