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Tag: dsl

How to translate millis to date and group by month and year in Jooq?

I have the following SQL which works as expected: I’m trying to recreate these SQL in Jooq, but I don’t know how to create a Date object from the milliseconds I have as creation_date in my database. Answer A common confusion when writing SQL GROUP BY is the logical order of SQL operations. While syntactically, SELECT seems to appear before

Convert Hibernate @Formula (case ) to JOOQ field

I am rewriting entire DB access layer from Hibernate to JOOQ and I face following issue. One of JPA models is annotated with @Formula annotation as follows: I saw the following question : Convert Hibernate @Formula to JOOQ field but it did not really help How can above query be translated to JOOQ DSL? Answer The jOOQ manual’s section about

Convert Hibernate @Formula to JOOQ field

I am rewriting entire DB access layer from Hibernate to JOOQ and I face following issue. One of JPA models is annotated with @Formula annotation as follows: Later in the code, a JPA query is made against the database which compares fee5 to parameter: How can above query be translated to JOOQ DSL? Answer I managed to resolve the issue
