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Tag: sql-server-2008

SQL Server: backup all databases

I was wondering if there was any way of making a backup of an entire SQL Server (we are using SQL Server 2008) at regular intervals to a specific location. I know we are able to backup single specific databases but for ease of use and not having to set up a backup each time I want a new database,

How to sum Accounts

I have 3 tables: DimAccounts, DimTime and FactBudget. DimAccounts example: DimTime example: FactBudget example: In FactBudget are many Accounts just with type B. I need to calculate Debit and Credit Sums where Account type is S (Sum). Columns AccountFrom and AccountTo shows B Type Accounts from where to begin summing (AccountFrom ) and where end (AccountTo). I have made solution

sql runs fast in ssms slow in

I have been having this problem for a couple of weeks now. The problem is that the query takes 4-5 minutes to run on the website and at most 2 or 3 seconds to run in ssms. Also I found that after I make a change to this query like adding the customerId variable it will start running quickly on
