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Tag: sorting

Can a CLOB column containing objects be sorted?

I have a column type CLOB that stores an array of objects containing the following structure: {“id”: number, “name”: string} Then suppose we have the following column of CLOB records: [{“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}, {“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}] [{“id”: 16, “nombre”: “auditiva”}] [{“id”: 4, “nombre”: “intelectual”}, {“id”: 21, “nombre”: “fisica”}] and so several records that its array in the CLOB

Reverse EBCDIC sorts numbers before letters in ROW_NUMBER function

So I do have following SQL select Key is of the type VARCHAR(12). I wonder why the hell the numbers are sorted after the letters. Every other system including UTF-8 always begins with numbers. Answer So a solution you can do is to take advantage of the EBCDIC character order. Special characters are sorted before the letters! If the numeric

Oracle SQL – Custom Sort

I have a scenario where I have following data: Table: Locations I want to sort in a way that all the IDs that end in ‘0000’ should be sorted first, then the TYPE ‘Warehouse’ and then the rest of the Stores. The desired output should be like How do I do this custom sorting? Answer This is how I understood
