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Tag: python

My SQL Python ProgrammingError: 1064 (42000) [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I am trying to store scraped data with scrapy to a sql database but I get the following error: ProgrammingError: 1064 (42000):

Subquery django query to get biggest disctint values from objects and return those objects

So I have this query that I need to re-filter to get just the biggest taken_at field’s value from distinct meter id, but I cannot get the django orm’s/sql part to makes this query. <QuerySet [<Reading: [127] meter installation: 29, type: 1, taken: 2019-10-07 16:06:48.101453+00:00 value: 78.0000, comment: , VAT: 22.00>, <Reading: [126] meter installation: 41, type: 2, taken: 2019-10-07

TypeError: Params must be in a list, tuple, or Row in Python

I built out a python script the retrieves data from Auth0 and publish it to Ms-sql but im getting errors When I did the print statements, everything printed great. but when i used SQL commands to try to populate my table, it returns this error Any suggestions/insights appreciated! Answer executemany executes the same request several times with different parameters. Because

For loop in Jinja2 splitting the chars in nested list, instead of returning whole of nested list

My doubts list is [[‘a’,’b’,’This is a sentence’]] My HTML (Jinja) is My Flask is :- x is giving a,b,T,h,i,s,i,s,a,s,e,n,t,e,n,c,e [Each char one iteration] I expected a,b,This is a sentence. [Only one iteration] How do I resolve this? Thanks in advance! Answer You have dumped the output to json for some reason. Don’t do that. Pass the value of cursor.fetchall()

Flask SQLAlchemy query join

I have 2 table like this: Then I try to making 2 kinds of query to get data for the relationship models. first, I make it like this: and the second one I use join statement on that: My questions are, what’s the difference in that query while in the second one I use the join statement but the result
