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Tag: python

python sql insert statement inserting values with quotes in database

I am trying to insert data into Mysql in python using the below statements Here id =”75″, plantcode=”2″, pcode=”FG” But my values in database are inserted with single quote in mysql database i.e ’75’,’2′,’FG’ I do not why the values are inserted with single quotes. The syntax of sql query seems to be right. Answer %s means the value you’re

Many to many join behaviour

Not really sure how to title this question, but here’s the situation. I have one data frame (dfOrders) that has an order_id and basic information like so: |order_id|full_name|order_date|billing|…

Conditional Join Between SQL Table and Pandas Dataframe

I am working on an application and one step of the processing involves joining drug NDC’s from claim data with a table that contains the NDC along with a variety of other information including unit price, multisource code, and more. The table of claims data looks something like this: It was read into a Pandas dataframe as follows: The SQL

ORA-00942 with cx_Oracle

I’m trying to run any command on an autonomous database from oracle cloud after establishing connection but they don’t seem to work. cursor.execute(“select * from admin.customers”) gives me the …
