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Tag: postgresql

Upsert on an array column

I am trying to do an upsert on the array column but I am not able to achieve the following result. Table name settings id primary key unique user_id foreign_key integer unique friends array tags …

postgresql ERROR: syntax error at or near “PRIMARY”

I’m new to PostgreSQL. I’ve been trying to create tables in a database but some queries give weird errors. the first snippet throws a syntax error but when I add “serial” on the problematic column the error is resolved. Should all primary keys auto-increment in PostgreSQL? This works added serial constraint on songplay_id Answer Should all primary keys auto-increment in

posgresql exclude zero division error results

I am executing a query but for sum cases this part of the code results into zero which causes zero division error.I am trying to not show result(not select) when Pease help. Answer The simplest way is to remove the else 0: This returns NULL if nothing matches the condition. Dividing by NULL produces NULL and not an error. For

Recreating relation between two tables

I have a 1:1 relation between data that was not an explicit foreign key in the database. E.g. Table 1 has a once, b twice and c once Table 2 also has a once, b twice and c once I want to create a foreign key from Table 1 to Table 2 when the value is the same: Expected Table

PostgreSQL alter column type from DATERANGE to TSTZRANGE and migrate the data

We’re changing a column run_dates (per request) from daterange to tstzrange, a column with a few months of test data. Essentially we want to migrate! I’m running the script below, inspired by postgreSQL alter column data type to timestamp without time zone and I have to admit, my SQL background is basically nothing Unfortunately….. These types don’t naturally translate. and
