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Tag: postgresql-13

Convert JSONB Keys to Columns

I have a user table users containing id , name and information of type jsonb User Table id name information 1001 Alice {“1″:”Google”,”2″:”1991-02-08″} 1002 Bob {“1″:”StackOverflow”,”3″:””} I have another Table having all the profile fields values named ProfileFields profilefieldid Value 1 Company 2 DateOfBirth 3 ProfileLink The information jsonb column can only have keys present in the ProfileField Table. You

How do combine two Queries or is it only one?

Question: How do combine two Queries or is it only one? Example: I have two exact similar tables my PostgreSQL Database. info_table and info_table_dump with the exact same columns date_at, name, color and length . Now i want to know if there are entries in info_table_dump that do not exist in info_table. Therefore i made these Query: The result is

How can I replace this correlated subquery within a function call?

Given the following tables buckets points And the following query Output How can I remove the correlated sub-query to improve the performance? Currently ~280,000 points * ~650 buckets = ~180,000,000 loops = very slow! Basically I want to remove the correlated sub-query and apply the width_bucket function only once per unique metric_id in buckets, so that the performance is improved

how can i loop insert query?

I have a problem like this: I need to optimize the application, with db (postgreSQL), the table looks like this: I have more than a thousand such voters, and I need to put all of them in the database, but among them there are several duplicates that could vote several times (from 2 to infinity), and I need to, when

PostgreSQL: `VIEW` returns no rows with `SPLIT_PART()` columns

Problem Description: Hi everyone, I’m having some troubles querying on a VIEW whose columns are, in part, the result of SPLIT_PART() function on og table’s column; I created the VIEW as it follows: My intention was to divide the structured attribute (Clients.Address defined as a string VARCHAR(255)) which contains all the informations releated to client’s domicile in several columns to
