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Tag: oracle

Combine two table with different column name using Union all

I have two tables T1 and T2 with column name proj in T1 and projectID in T2. I have to combine these two tables using Union all. As both column has similar kind of information. How it can done so that it is visible under one column name Answer if the datatype are same ,the column names for a UNION

In Oracle SQL is there a way to join on a value twice?

Lets say I have two tables, with the following columns: cars fuel_types In this case fuel_id and secondary fuel_id both refer to the fuel_types table. Is it possible to include both labels in an inner join? I want to join on the fuel_id but I want to be able to have the fuel label twice as a new column. So

List of Record type matching issue Oracle

I want to check if a workspace is not available in all_workspace table then create new workspace. My requirement is if p_workspace is not matching the list of value of v_workspace then it should create new one. It gives me error after creation. If I run that workspace individually then its working. but when I am passing through block with

Executing view within a stored procedure

Is it possible to execute a view with a stored procedure? My procedure should first run the views (I have 2 in total) and then am combining these 2 views data into a different table for applying transformations. Something like this: Answer What do you call “execute a view with stored procedure”? How are views “triggered”? If you meant to

How to search for a month that is input by the user

I am working on some homework and have been stuck on this for a week. I have tried using TO_CHAR, MONTH(search), and EXTRACT(MONTH from…) and they all end up with either identifier ‘JAN'(the month I am searching for) is not declared, or expression is of the wrong type. This assignment is to display all the rows for pledges made in
