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Tag: oracle

How to create table from an existing table

I’m in Oracle APEX and would like to create a new table from other existing one like this: I have a column in a SONGS table that is: ARTIST NAME Another header Bad Bunny row Bad Bunny, Ozuna, Daddy Yankee row And I want this in another table: ID Artist 1 Bad Bunny 2 Ozuna 3 Daddy Yankee Also, from

select running by itself but not in subquery

Ok so I’m stuck at something and I need your help. How can this run ok: and this not? The error I get is: 00907. 00000 – “missing right parenthesis” Answer In SQL, in general, table ordering is non-deterministic and an order cannot be guaranteed. Your query: Will fetch rows from the table in a non-deterministic (random) order1 and then

Revisting ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure name for simple function call via various database tools

Revisting ORA-06576: not a valid function or procedure name for simple function call via dbeaver database-tool I have seen many posts, but they don’t cover the situation I am experiencing. I am trying to do a simple function call to Oracle SQL via dbeaver: According to the right-click call function obtained via dbeaver the function syntax it is: To be

Output records with null values even if not present

I have a table as below in Oracle gen_id serial_code is_verified 1 fmcg Y 1 smcg Y 1 xmcg N 2 smcg Y 2 fmcg Y 2 2mcg Y 3 smcg Y 3 amcg Y Now I want the output for max gen_id which is 3 in this case and serial_code ‘smcg’ and ‘fmcg’ I can get the output easily

PL/SQL CREATE PROCEDURE – Salary increase based on tenure

I have worked on this for a while but the code did not work and I could not figure out the correct solution. Did I miss something from the code? Thank you. — Question – The company wants to calculate the employees’ annual salary: –The first year of employment, the amount of salary is the base salary which is $10,000.

Find top parent of child, multiple levels

I make copies of the entries in some cases and they are conneted by parent ID. Each entry can have one copy: Sometimes I need to take a copy and query for it’s top level parent. I need to find the top parent entries for all the entries I search for. For example, if I query for the parents of
