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Tag: node.js

Matching on Values, but Erroring on New Value in SQL Server

I am comparing data from two different databases (one MariaDB and one SQL Server) within my Node project, and am then doing inserts and updates as necessary depending on the comparison results. I have a question about this code that I use to iterate through results in Node, going one at a time and passing in values to check against

TypeORM – How to remove last added row?

I’m trying to remove only the last added row. Instead, of the last one, it removes all rows. I was thinking about adding where corresponding to the newest date but I feel it’s not a good approach to solve this problem. Answer Use a subquery to query the last insert row first, then delete this row by the returned id:

How to not insert two of the same values

I’m using an input to allow user’s to select files from their computer and add it to a list. I’m doing this by using a promise to load the files and creating an array of promises and adding that to my state React JS I’m then mapping through my files array to add those files to a list of text

How to correctly execute this promise based SQL Query?

I’m using MySQL2 to connect my Node.js app with a MySQL Database. Unfortunately trying to perform some promise based prepared statements I just can’t get a proper function setup that either returns successfully after entering the record or to throw an error whenever something goes wrong. Any ideas on how to fix the code below? Answer you can use the
