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Tag: typeorm

Optimize nested inner joins

The following TypeORM generated SQL query takes over 11 sec to complete : Given the following database indexes : It feels like some left joins could be indexed, but I am unsure how to do it the proper way. Besides from indexing, is there anything I could do from TypeORM (or other), to really speed up the request? Here is

Typeorm MINUS operator

I’m trying to do a set difference in SQL. I’ve discovered the MINUS operator, which seems to do exactly what I need: I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to use this operator via typeorm. I’m currently using connection.getRepository().createQueryBuilder(), and I don’t see any methods on the resulting query builder that look like they correspond to the

How do I translate this SQL query to Typeorm

I have this query that I tested in the query tool, and I now wish to apply this into Typeorm syntax I have tried this approach but it’s not 100% correct: Answer Assuming your class defined for the entity menu_entry is MenuEntry, typeorm query statement would be as follows-

Orderby on multiple columns using typeorm

In my application, I am using MySQL and typeorm and want to do orderBy using multiple columns. I searched so many places for it but did not get any solution. Example: I have two columns in a table user and respective User Entity ________________________________________ | id | name | createDate | createdTime | —————————————- | 1 | Sai | 2020-12-12

How to get related field with typeorm?

In typeorm I run this code and the results are without lastApprover and managerApprover fields. I need those properties to be in the object. what I need to change to achieve that? This is my code: task.ts user.ts: Answer Try to add relations

How to show generated SQL / raw SQL in TypeORM queryBuilder

I developed typeorm querybuilder. For the purpose of debugging, I’d like to show the generated SQL query. I tested printSql() method, but it didn’t show any SQL query. It returned the following: My desired result is to get the generated SQL query. Is there any wrong point? Is there any good way to get the SQL query? Answer .getQuery() or

TypeORM – How to remove last added row?

I’m trying to remove only the last added row. Instead, of the last one, it removes all rows. I was thinking about adding where corresponding to the newest date but I feel it’s not a good approach to solve this problem. Answer Use a subquery to query the last insert row first, then delete this row by the returned id:
