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Tag: ms-access

sql select group by int()

I want to get int using this query: “SELECT int(Abs(x1-x2)+0.5) AS len, Count(*) AS num FROM Coordinates GROUP BY int(Abs(x1-x2)+0.5) ORDER BY int(Abs(x1-x2)+0.5) ASC;”; int …

Running total in Access Query based on item and date

I’m struggling with an Access Query trying to create a calculated field which presents a running total of parts that have gone or returned in the store; sorted in the order of date in one table. The table “DMPartsT” would look like below: The result I am aiming for is for the query to return a table containing an added

Duplicate records in all related Access tables with new PK/FK assigned at button click event

I have an Access database with 5 tables: Report_Start holds PK on [Report_ID] CommSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] MRPCSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] SQESummary holds FK on [Report_ID] MEPSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] Report_ID links tables 2-4 to Table 1. User enters new report info on a user form (Report Date, Vendor, buyer, planner, etc), which is stored in Report_Start
