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Tag: merge

PostgreSQL equivalent of Pandas outer merge

I am trying to do in Postgres the equivalent of Pandas outer merge, in order to outer merge two tables. Table df_1 contains these data: Table df_2 contains these data: So Table df_1 has one extra column (random_id) than df_2. Also, job_id 1711418 and worker_id 45430 exist in both df_1 and df_2. If I use the “outer merge” method in

Merge tables in R and update rows where dates overlap

I hope this makes sense – it’s my first post here so I’m sorry if the question is badly formed. I have tables OldData and NewData: I need merge these tables as below. Where IDs match, dates overlap, and Priority is higher in NewData, I need to update the dates in OldData to reflect NewData. I first tried to run

SQL server: Question about query group and auto id

i have a table which has 2 columns like this, picture is input and output: Explain input: 2 column is 2 person who relation ship together. Exam: A relation with B, C,D,H Output: i want to merge 2 column , with Column group ID auto and column RelationShip ID group auto: i tried query: row_number() OVER (ORDER BY [columnA]) n

SQL Server 18 – merging dates around midnight

I would like to ask if anyone could help me with this. I have a table with user traffic on websites. The important column is Timestamp which looks like this. Timestamps are used to calculate sessions. An hour or so in timestamps means one session. The problem is that calculated session is different when the activity on the websites was
