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Tag: json

JSONB sort aggregation

I found this query that suits my needs thanks to this answer here in order to sort fields of data in a JSON document. (Fake, generated random data) SELECT jsonb_agg(elem) FROM ( SELECT * FROM …

Correct json formatting in ms sql server

I have the following SQL table I wrote this code to format result as JSON, but can’t get it in the desired format. If i name all product columns as name then sql returns an error Use different names and aliases for each column in SELECT list. Sql code: Current output: Desired output: Answer You may try with the next

How to search JSON data associative array mysql 5.5

I have stored JSON associative array data in the column of the table in MySQL 5.5. I want to search in JSON at one specific array key with key and value my JSON structure : So for search by Key Value, I have this query : It is working fine but my problem is that I can not select Interface_1
