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Tag: json

Oracle – Parsing Multiple JSON Values in a single SQL query

I have data in PersonalDetails table in JSON format, I am trying to parse the data in a single query, currently I am using JSON_TABLE functions, in my query I am only able to parse only one column, if I try to use JSON_TABLE functions twice it throwing me an error, is their a way to parse all the columns

Convert simple JSON to SQL SELECT Statement

I have the following JSON: I’m trying to convert to SQL as follows: All i get is an empty resultset (0 rows when it should be 2 rows), what am i doing wrong? Answer Your JSON has square brackets round the whole thing, meaning it is an array (it only has one element) so your OPENJSON starting point will have

UPDATE command in a JSON

I’m trying to update a column in my table, but that column stores a JSON Object, but for that I need to do a where with a JSON as well. This is how the data is stored in my RG column: { “Id”:”…
