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Tag: json

Import JSON File into SQL Server Table with nested Arrays

I’m trying to import the Census Block GeoJSON file and unable to get “Coordinates” for each block along with it’s properties. I’m trying to get the ID, BlockGrp, Block.. and it’s associated coordinates. Below is my code, but I’m unable to get the coordinates since it’s in an array. Can anybody guide me on how to make it work? The

how to get sql result as objects

I have three tables: Table USER id name email Table CAMPUS id user_id (foreign key) name Table POST id title user_id (foreign key) A User belongs to a Campus, and a Post belong to a User. I want to write a query to fetch posts inner join with user inner join with campus. The result i get: [{ id username

Merge Two JSON array columns in Mysql 8

I am using Mysql (version > 8). I have a table where I am storing unique customer ids for the day in an JSON field as an array. I need to query for all unique customers in last 30 days. I am unable to find an equivalent mysql query for the same. I am using JSON_ARRAYAGG to first merge all

How to extract the information from JSon in MYSQL

I have Sample Data I’m getting Data Like this : I’m trying to get output like this : Can any one Suggest me . Answer In MySQL 8.0, you can use json_table() for this: Or if you want the results as a scalar value: In earlier versions, you would typically use a table of numbers and json_extract():
