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Tag: jpa

SQL code does not work when converted to JPQL code (ORA-00904 error code)

Thank you very much for looking at this post :). I have the following problem: I have a piece of SQL code that runs perfectly on the Oracle database. The problem comes when I try to run as JPQL code. I get the following error in the Eclipse IDE: Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: “THIRDTABLE”.”NAME”: invalid identifier. The SQL that works

JpaRepository SQL syntax error when trying to save to MySQL Date

I have the following row in my MySQL Table: This column is represented as: And it is bound to a Thymeleaf form like so: Now if I insert a date into the MySQL db directly, the date is loaded and set to the correct date on the form: But every time I try to save or edit the

Problems with JPA Hibernate Query with ‘Interval’

I need the possibility to retrieve the orders for the past 6 months for my backend application. After some research , I’ve found out that JPA does not support the INTERVAL definition. Is there a workaround for archiving this particularly function ? Answer In that case use the JPA provided functionality , where native sql code is not required. and

How to create LinkedList of JPA entities

I have a scenario where I need to create an entity which has references to list of predecessors and list of successors. when a request is received, I need to create entity like below: Request: My new entity “task2” should now be created as below in DB. While saving task2 with previous as task1 and next as task3, I also

(N + 1) selects problem with child Map-collection

friends! I have these entities: Document: and ChangeNotice: And these are my repositories: For Document: and for ChangeNotice: So, when i want to get Document with changeNotices, thats not a problem, i have only one select. But when i want to get ChangeNotice with documents – i have (n + 1), first for document, and n for changeNotices Map. I
