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Tag: kotlin

Updating webclient response from database

I have situation where I can’t update column at database. The problem is that only method setIsPurchased is executed and the flag is_purchase at SQL table changed to true, but the next line with setPurchasedDate which has to set current time is not executed. The response from database is Mono<Void> type. Queries for those two method are simple and looks

Write query with HAVING clause in Kotlin with Exposed

I have written an SQL query in which I use the HAVING clause. However, I have not found practical examples of the use of HAVING in the Exhibited documentation. My query should return the following: Disputes for an order that has the most recent status of ‘CAPTURED’ or ‘EXPIRED’ My biggest difficulty is writing the HAVING sub query. I saw

Android Room Query returning null

I am trying to get the values from a DB via Room but it always returns null. It should retrieve the data from DB BalancesCat. Any help? Thanks! This is the DAO Repository ViewModel and the Fragment where I want to retrieve the data Answer This isn’t your problem, but I have to mention, your repository’s getAllBalancesCat() function is needlessly

How to receive not duplicative rows using Room?

I have two related entities: Station Connector When I insert data, I fill up both entites and it seems kinda okay, but when I’m trying to receive stations with particular types of connectors it duplicates rows. For example, I have an object And if I want to filter stations only by one connector type I receive one row with this
