I have two object Person and Student Mapped with hibernate in my database and another object ObjectPR which brings together the two for showing values of two objects in same view and this is my code java for getting list of ObjectPR and this is my ObjectPR Class and I got this error Answer I think the NEW operator syntax
Tag: hibernate
SQLQuery.list() returns the same entries
In my java code I have written like this. This query returning same records again and again. But in database I have only single record. String queryString = “select e.business_event_id, e.event_name …
Convert Hibernate @Formula (case ) to JOOQ field
I am rewriting entire DB access layer from Hibernate to JOOQ and I face following issue. One of JPA models is annotated with @Formula annotation as follows: I saw the following question : Convert Hibernate @Formula to JOOQ field but it did not really help How can above query be translated to JOOQ DSL? Answer The jOOQ manual’s section about
Difference between query, native query, named query and typed query [closed]
What are the differences between a query, a native query, a named query and a typed query? Does the ‘alone-standing’ query even exist, or is it just an abbreviation? In my mind, a native Query is a …
Hibernate @GeneratedValue null error for primary key
I am using Hibernate to save an object in the database. I am generating my primary key with @GeneratedValue annotation. Here is my code Vendor class I am using MS SQL Server 2012 where I have a vendor table with following columns Unchecked means its NOTNULL = true, it doesnt allow null values. Here is the code where I am
Hibernate Check Annotation
I have a table with three fields, say a, b, c. I would like to add a constraint ensuring that if a is not null, then also b and c are not null. I have done that using following SQL Is there a way to achieve same effect using hibernate annotation @Check? I can’t find a helpful example with that
Why does Hibernate generate a CROSS JOIN for an implicit join of a @ManyToOne association?
Baur & King said in their book: Implicit joins are always directed along many-to-one or one-to-one association, never through a collection-valued association. [P 646, Ch 14] But when I am doing that in the code it is generating a CROSS JOIN instead of an INNER JOIN. Mapping is from Member2 (many-to-one) -> CLub. But Club2 has no information about members
JPA @Column annotation to create comment/description
I was wondering is it possible to create from jpa/hibernate annotation a database column description/comment like this: ALTER TABLE tablename CHANGE status status INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘sample description/comment’; It will be great functionality, but I cant find anything about this in JPA specification. Maybe I should use @Column(columnDefinition=””) property, but I dont have any clue. Please help Answer I
Convert Hibernate @Formula to JOOQ field
I am rewriting entire DB access layer from Hibernate to JOOQ and I face following issue. One of JPA models is annotated with @Formula annotation as follows: Later in the code, a JPA query is made against the database which compares fee5 to parameter: How can above query be translated to JOOQ DSL? Answer I managed to resolve the issue
Stackoverflow with Hibernate using sql IN (id, id, id, id..id)
I am getting the error below saying there was a stack overflow. This is happening because a SQL statement with IN (id, id, id…id) has a ton of parameters. Is there anyway to fix this? This is happening in my local environment with Eclipse. JPA Error Hibernate Query Answer In our Grails project (2.3.6) with Hibernate 4.3.1.Final, we never had