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Tag: group-by

Include zero counts for grouping date ranged based SQL query

I’m trying to group and order the number of sales made in each day from a single ‘sales’ table with a created_at column and an id column. Each of the records might be created through out the day at any time. I’ve managed to do this with the following query: However, the days with 0 sales are not shown up.

Access Bare Columns w/ Aggregate Function w/o adding to Group By

I have 2 tables in postgres. users auth0_id email 123-A a@a 123-B b@b 123-C c@c auth0_logs id date user_id client_name abc-1 021-10-16T00:18:41.381Z 123-A example_client abc-2 … 123-A example_client abc-3 … 123-B example_client abc-4 … 123-A example_client abc-5 … 123-B example_client abc-6 … 123-C example_client I am trying to get the last login information (a single row in the auth0_logs table

Counting unique values within a time window

I have data that looks like (over 100.000 rows): What I would like: Explanation CONTEXT I want to find out how many people (person) are working in the same location (Location) by looking at a time window (timestamp) of max 10 minutes and checking whether a person is really working simultaneously or just taking over their shift within that frame.
