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Tag: foreign-keys

Can’t enable a foreign key in ORACLE SQL

So I have a disabled foreign key (Manager_ID in the table Employees) and I wanted to enable it, but I get this error: ORA-02298: cannot validate (my_username.EMP_MANAGER_FK) – parent keys not found And this is the code: Here’s how the table was created: Answer There are values in the column that are invalid from the foreign key’s perspective. Assuming that

PostgreSQL / express rookie – create new table or just a new column in existing table? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This will probably get closed for being opinion based but hopefully I can get a comment or two. I’m building a social media app (Express/Postgres/React)

PostgreSQL cyclic foreign keys to multiple tables

I have 3 tables. chat_room group_chat_room private_chat_room As you can see chat_room has foreign key constraints that refer to group_chat_room and private_chat_room. Also both group_chat_room and private_chat_room have FK constraints that refer to chat_room. When I want to INSERT a row into group_chat_room I would use this However because of those constraints this would produce an error [23503] ERROR: insert
