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Tag: entity-framework

Error – NetTopologySuite( When writing a SQL Server geography value, the shell of a polygon must be oriented counter-clockwise)

All, I’m using NetTopologySuite/ Entity Asp Core for my project. I want to create a radius of 1000 meter for the ‘searchArea ‘ When I’m running the the app it gives me an error : System.ArgumentException: When writing a SQL Server geography value, the shell of a polygon must be oriented counter-clockwise. My View ps: I could achieve this query

Convert sql query to EF

Can anybody please help with this SQL query to transform it to EF Linq Expression? I’ve been trying to do this for days, so I could really use some help. Do you need extra info? Thank you in advance. Edit Here is a little part of the diagram, maybe it helps Answer It seems the subqueries in both of your
