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Tag: date

Updating Date in Access

I want to simply update a date column within a table where a status exists. Here’s what I have I have tried the following Nothing has gone through, no errors, just not updating. I can update the field manually. Answer Answers were correct, silly issue about the Trust Center ‘enable’ bar not showing, therefore didn’t realise this database location wasn’t

React Form won’t save date

I’ve created a basic form in React to save a name, category, and date if available to an SQL table. My form is acting fine – it’s submitting correctly and saving the new entries. The problem is, while it saves the name and the category fine, if you choose a date (using the HTML date picker) the date isn’t getting

How to add date to a file’s name using UNLOAD in Redshift

I found 2 solutions: Using AWS Data Pipeline to schedule the query (Unload) and use ‘s3://reporting-team-bucket/importfiles/test_123-#{format(@scheduledStartTime,’YYYY-MM-dd-HH’)}.csv’ writing an MV command to rename the file on the s3 bucket Is there a way to give a file’s the current date by only using Redshift, with no other services? Here is my code so far: Just need to get CurrentDate to be

How to select records from January 1, 2021 to last week

I was wondering how to make a query where I can select data from Jan 1, 21 to last week. I tried to put it in the date filter like this: but I would have to manually go in every week to change the end date, I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to select for data

How do I select and count records less than 1 year old?

I’m using sqflite in my Flutter application. In this example, date is the actual date(10.06.2021) and DATUM is the datafield in the DB. I keep getting this syntax error: E/SQLiteLog(30657): (1) near “.2021”: syntax error in “SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Shisha_table WHERE (YEAR(10.06.2021) – YEAR(DATUM)) = 1” Answer There is no YEAR() function in SQLite. The logic of your code

SQL query to find gaps within a column of dates

I have a table with status and date for every day and I’m trying to find out when the statuses change and if there’s gaps within each status change / how many days were of a certain status. Expected output: Answer This is a type of gaps-and-islands problem. In this case, subtracting a sequential number from each day is probably
