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Tag: date

Hive trunc date format issues

I am trying to convert GP to Hive migration logic but below statement giving the wrong output while execute query: output for GP : 2021-12-31 similar if we converted Hive query out put if Hive query : 2022-01-02 i could see the difference of the date. please help me. Thanks Answer You are subtracting interval 0 months and 1 day

How to carrying over values for missing dates in time series using last value windows analytical functions in mysql

How to carrying over values for missing dates postcode/indicator_category to create full monthly time series. Im trying to use last_value to carry over values but not able to make it. Is my approach correct? Any help would by highly appreciated. Example given a table: INSERT INTO value to indicator_data table INPUT: postcode month_ts indicator_cat measure sw5 2017-07-01 2 99212.231 sw5

How to cast this integer value to date in MySQL

i have airbnb data and i want to cast column last_reviews (which datatype is int) to date this is my sql code!9/b5ea42/31 how do i cast int > date? or how do i create last_reviews column as datatype date? Answer The last_review date seems to be the number of days since 1900-01-01 so in MySQL you would: The result

How to calculate sum of a value with only “day of week” using a date-range?

I have 2 tables namely Item table with details of item_id, store_id, offer_start_Date and offer_end_date Store table has store_id, day_of_week, store_hours The structure of both tables are follows – 1) Item_Table : Store ID Item ID offer_start_Date offer_end_date NY0001 FMC0001 2021-10-30 2021-11-04 NY0001 FMC0002 2021-11-08 Null NY0002 FMC0003 2021-11-02 2021-11-02 NY0002 FMC0004 2021-09-01 2021-10-10 2) Store Table : Store ID

Raw SELECT (without FROM) of most recent 7 days to current

I want to get the query result (e.g. to populate table) of last 7 dates (without times). I know that we can select some scalars without FROM statement. So I ended up with following solution: Please point me to better (and more elegant) solution if there is one. Answer The VALUES, table value constructor, is a little more concise. Returns:

SQL Server – Retrieve list of month dates between two columns

I want to add a new column that should contain months between startdate & enddate present in two separate columns. My current data looks something like this : Case Name StartDate EndDate 1 ABC 2021-01-15 2021-03-15 2 DEF 2021-03-15 2021-05-15 My desired output is : Case Name StartDate EndDate MonthList 1 ABC 2021-01-01 2021-03-15 2021-01-15 1 ABC 2021-01-01 2021-03-15 2021-02-15

Oracle procedure saving SYSDATE

As part of a larger procedure I’m trying to write some code, which saves SYSDATE into a variable but I’m running into a problem. I narrowed it down to the following. Can someone please help me out. Answer In PLSQL you can just assign: if you insist on sql all you have to do is to add into after select:

How can I partition by group that falls within a time range?

I have the following table showing when customers bought a certain product. The data I have is CustomerID, Amount, Dat. I am trying to create the column ProductsIn30Days, which represents how many products a customer bought in the range Dat-30 days inclusive the current day. For example, ProductsIn30Days for CustomerID 1 on Dat 25.3.2020 is 7, since the customer bought
