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Tag: database

One table with many field or two table with fewer fields?

My question is simple, currently, I have a database with an “User” table which contains important information about each users (email, username, password), an “Identity” table which contain the first name, last name, birthday… of an user, and a “Medias” table which currently contains fields like “facebook”, “googlePlus”, “twitter”, “youtube”… the address of all medias of the user actually. But,

SQL: Select only one row of table with same value

Im a bit new to sql and for my project I need to do some Database sorting and filtering: Let’s assume my database looks like this: What should I do to only have the last column with the same email te be returned: Thanks in advance! Answer SQL Query: Hope this solves your problem. Thanks.

How to decide which fields must be indexed in a database table

Explanation I have a table which does not have a primary key (or not even a composite key). The table is for storing the time slots (opening hours and food delivery available hours) of the food shops. Let’s call the table “business_hours” and the main fields are as below. shop_id day (0 – 6, means Sunday – Saturday) type (open,

MySQL rows checksum

Is it possible to select entire row in a table and get sort of checksum? I am looking for a way to tell my code to update data only if at least one record has been changed. From perspective of data …

Postgresql delete multiple rows from multiple tables

Consider 2 or more tables: I wish to delete all users and their orders that match first name ‘Sam’. In mysql, I usually do left join. In this example userid is unknown to us. What is the correct format of the query? Answer You can also create the table with ON delete cascade

RETURNING rows using unnest()?

I’m trying to return a set of rows after doing UPDATE. Something like this. but postgres complains, rightly so: set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set How am I supposed to go about implementing this? That is, RETURNING a set of rows from SELECTed array after UPDATE? I’m aware that a function can achieve this using RETURNS

where does woocommerce store orders?

I’m looking in the sql db and I can see something that resembles orders inside wp_posts . However, I would expect them to be inside the tables beginning with wp_woocommerce. Can anyone shed some light on this phenomenon? Cheers Answer In woocommerce orders are modelled as a custom post type so they are stored in wp_posts as you found. See
