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Tag: csv

Importing certain columns from csv into mysql via command line

I have a csv file and want to import part of it into my Mysql database. From this question, I tried this command in my Mysql command line Those in bracket is the columns I want to put in my table. The order is same to my table but not same to csv file. And the mysql didn’t do anything

How to setup properties on CSV import in OrientDB?

I have a CSV file like: And I am importing it into OrientDB like: I would like to set the import so that it created properties so that FN becomes first_name, MI becomes middle_name and so on, as well as set some values to lowercase. For ex: Carolina to become carolina I could probably make this changes from the SCHEMA

Split a CSV field into different rows in SQL

A colleague of mines encountered this problem while working on a COBOL program and eventually solved it at the application level. Still I am curious if it is possible to solve it on the data access level, with SQL. This is somehow related to this other question, but I’d like to use only ANSI SQL. I’m looking for a single

Dumping SQL table to .csv C#

I am trying to implement a script in my application that will dump the entire contents (for now, but I am trying to write the code so that I can easily customize it to only grab certain columns) of a sql db (running ms sql server express 2014) to a .csv file. Here is the code I have written currently:
