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Tag: create-table

limit column char trigger plsql

I’m starting to learn PLSQL and created a very very simple table, I’m trying to get familiar with functions and triggers. My table: Now to the question, I want to limit before insert or update new row (biuefer) so that the first name must be 8 characters, not less, not more. If you try to insert a row with a

Trying to run script through Oracle 11g

I am trying to run SQL statements in the Oracle 11g Express edition, where I am to create tables. Here is my SQL code: It only ends up processing 4 statements and I keep getting these error messages: I am wholly unfamiliar with Oracle 11g. I am unsure if I am using the correct application in it for my assignment.

postgresql ERROR: syntax error at or near “PRIMARY”

I’m new to PostgreSQL. I’ve been trying to create tables in a database but some queries give weird errors. the first snippet throws a syntax error but when I add “serial” on the problematic column the error is resolved. Should all primary keys auto-increment in PostgreSQL? This works added serial constraint on songplay_id Answer Should all primary keys auto-increment in


I am a beginner to Oracle and have been having problems creating a table with a foreign key, I have created the parent table region as well and have been receiving the same error. I have researched on W3school and used the same syntax but still no help. Answer Leave “FOREIGN KEY” out, if you want to declare a foreign
