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Tag: arrays

Joining Query with codeigniter Model

Please help me how can I get only response where activities.activity_id = response.activity_id? here is my CI_model My Activities table My Response Table My users table Answer Try with this: You need to add aliases to the tables in order to build a more simplified and ordered query, in this case the aliases are a, b and c. UPDATE: I

PLSQL – Use variable array on where clause IN

I am looking to use an array of values in the WHERE IN condition. After research, I saw that I had to make a “CREATE TYPE”, since a “TYPE” in local does not work. This solution does not suit me, I do not want to make a new TYPE in Oracle, since the database is used for an ERP/PGI I

Filtering out objects from multiple arrays in a JSONB column

I have a JSON structure with two arrays saved in a JSONB column. A bit simplified it looks like this Schema: Since each row (data column) can be fairly large, I’m trying to filter out matching item objects and group objects from the items and groups arrays. My current query is this which returns rows containing either the matching group

How to merge two array if one item exist in both array?

I want to expand my city array with post code value. If the city_postcode array contain city array name record then push postcode value into city array. That’s what i want to achive somehow. city array: city_postcode array: The result I want: Answer If you can rely on the cities and post codes to be equal in length and sorted,
