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SQL command not properly ended in Python OracleSQL

I’m having some trouble with SQL code that works when I run it in DBeaver, but when I execute it with cx_Oracle it comes up with the error of: The python code is good, but I’m not much of a SQL programmer, so maybe someone can look to see if there is any obvious coding errors. It’s just weird that

How to decompose the tables for optimal querying

Suppose I have three tables Actor, Movie, Producer with following attributes Actor(Id,ActorName,Bio) Producer(Id,ProducerName,Bio) Movie(Id,Name,Description,ActorName,ProducerName) There can be many actors in a movie and actor can act many movies, same goes with producer. How to effectively decompose/create new tables to store data. I tried creating a new table with following schema ActorMovie(Id, MovieId, ActorId) but failed as there can be multiple

casting date within a to_char function?

How can I cast a date or timestamp column to date within a to_char function? But I need to cast the date_column to date first but am unsure Thanks Answer TO_CHAR, as you are using it above, appears to be Oracle code. MySQL uses the DATE_FORMAT function:

raise notice update query result in postgresql

How can I log if field is got updated or not using RAISE NOTICE or some other command if available. Error: Answer I could something like below, but I am not sure if there another UPDATE query followed by current one, ROW_COUNT will hold new result;

Copy all values from source table to destination table dynamically in SQL Server. If there is some value in destination table then delete and insert

I have created 2 tables and populated the values in my source table. Now, I want to populate these values into the destination table dynamically and also check if there is any value in the destination table then delete all those values and insert them from the source. This is my approach which is not executing: Answer In your select

Missing rows in full outer join

I am trying to count how many users are observed on each of the 3 consecutive days. Each of the 3 intermediate tables (t0, t1, t2) has 2 columns: uid (unique ID) and d0 (or d1 or d2, which is 1 and indicates that the user is observed on that day). The following query: produces this output from spark.sql(q).toPandas().set_index([“d0″,”d1″,”d2”]): Two

How to improve a mysql COUNT query for speed?

How can I improve this query for speed? at the moment it’s taking a couple of seconds only to load the php file where the query is without even querying anything. I’ve an index on skillsTrends, jobtitle and industry. Collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci Number of records < 1,000,000. Answer Try this covering index. It should help the performance of your query. And,
