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SQL as Control Source for Access Form field

Is there any way populate an Access Form’s text feild’s value using SQL? I have read that it is not possible to simply enter SQL as the Control Source. Is this true? thanks for any halp 🙂 –edit– I need to perform this query; Answer Pretty sure that is true SQL, but you could use the function: =DLookUp(“field_name”,”table_name”,”any_fieldname = ‘value'”)

Should SQL ranking functionality be considered as “use with caution”

This question originates from a discussion on whether to use SQL ranking functionality or not in a particular case. Any common RDBMS includes some ranking functionality, i.e. its query language has elements like TOP n … ORDER BY key, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY key), or ORDER BY key LIMIT n (overview). They do a great job in increasing performance if

Export all MS Access SQL queries to text files

I have to document an MS Access database with many many macros queries, etc. I wish to use code to extract each SQL query to a file which is named the same as the query, eg if a query is named q_warehouse_issues then i wish to extract the SQL to a file named q_warehouse_issues.sql I DO NOT WISH TO EXPORT

How should I pass a table name into a stored proc?

I just ran into a strange thing…there is some code on our site that is taking a giant SQL statement, modifying it in code by doing some search and replace based on some user values, and then passing …
