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Getting different results from Subquery and JOIN which seem to be the same

I’m doing a challenge problem on DataCamp. It uses two tables, “economies” which contains economic information by country code, and “countries” which contains general country information by country code. The challenge is: Get country code, inflation rate, and unemployment rate in 2015 from the “economies” table, where the gov_form is not ‘Constitutional Monarchy’ or ‘%Republic%’ in the “countries” table. With

SQL efficient way to match ANY in a large table

I am joining a small table and a very large table and want to return a distinct item if ANY items match. The table is so large that it takes hours for something that I think should take seconds. The problem is that I am “iterating” over every single entry in the second table. I want to be able to

First row of results should never be displayed

DB-Fiddle Expected Result In the results I want to display the quantity for all dates except for the first row. I know in the example above I can do this with a simple WHERE-condition like this: However, it is neither guaranteed that the first time_stamp will be always 2020-01-14 nor that the MIN(2020-01-14) is always in the first row. Therefore,

SQL – Ordering table with subquery for select

I am trying to do ordering on query with subquery for a name from uuid. Let’s have those two tables in MySQL: bans: id uuid time reason 1 c6b8eade-7db9-345b-b838-8f8361552cf5 1642369382 Test 2 0138c279-c5fa-3acd-adaa-8edb7b4569d8 1642384565 Spam 3 3c01262c-a3c3-3133-ba43-92a9ded01c27 1631876477 Hax users: id uuid name 45 c6b8eade-7db9-345b-b838-8f8361552cf5 John 100 0138c279-c5fa-3acd-adaa-8edb7b4569d8 Mike 35 3c01262c-a3c3-3133-ba43-92a9ded01c27 Norman With this query, I can select whole ban

Calculate total difference of values between two timestamps

DB-Fiddle Expected Result: I want to calculate the total difference of the quantity between two timestamps. Therefore, I tried to use the query from this question: However, I am not able to get the expected result. What do I need to change to make it work? Answer The partition by clause in the lag call of your query is redundant.

mysql error 1822 when trying to create new table with a FOREIGN KEY

trying the following code: Give back Error Code: 1822. Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing index for constraint ‘stock_ibfk_1’ in the referenced table ‘donation’. Why? how can I solve this problem? Answer to create a foreign key relationship, the parent table column on which you are creating relation must be unique or primary and they must have the
