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Tag: sqlite

SQLite: Selecting multiple counts from one column

I am running a query with SQLite and am relatively new to this. Glance of my dataset: I want group the results by Col A and then show 3 more columns (mild, moderate, high) and their counts — Here is what I’m looking for: I know how I can select just one of the columns (say, mild), but not sure

Get comments per video and total sum of comments per video channel

In addition to Get total sum of video comments for each video I noticed that I can’t use v.commentCount because I cleaned some data and now the column is inaccurate. So I need to count the videoId comments and the total videoID comments with the comment table. I have a table video and a table comments. video.channelId maps to comments.videoID_channelID

How to make this Query without using UNION?

I am not very good at making query’s. So could someone explain and help me with this query? I need to inner join 2 tables ‘Slaap’ And ‘Eten’. i need all ‘eten’ where ID = 5 and i need all ‘Slaap’ where ID = 5. I could only achieve this with a UNION but that is what i dont want

Easy substraction of year’s values

I do have the following database table containing the timestamps in unix format as well as the total yield (summing up) of my solar panels every 5 mins: Now I would like to calculate how much energy was produced each year. I thought of reading the first and last timestamp using UNION of each year: This works fine but I

Sqlite, using grouping? for subqueries with date ranges

I have a sqlite query that works as-is and it’s used to get an average of date between a date range Again, this works perfectly but I’d like to do some kind of subquery operation that does this same thing for every month and returns the result for each as a different alias like this but my issue is after
