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Tag: sqlite

How can I convert an int (UNIX timestamp) to datetime in SQLite?

I have to create a table in SQL(I am using IntelliJ and Java), and the table must respect the following restrictions. The table will contain the following columns: title – needs to be able to store letters, digits, and special characters news_description – needs to be able to store the text of the newsletter publication_date – needs to be able

SQL: How to select two employeeid within same team and have a team_score greater than 400 ? Mentioned the table schema below

Previous_teams id (integer) name (text) team_score (real) Team_members team_id (integer) employee_id (integer) employee_name (text) birthday (text) popularity (real) Q: How do I select a pair of employee ids that have worked in at least 5 prior teams where the (average)team_score was greater than 400 and count of teams where they worked together. Also avoid any duplicates. Example: team_id pairs of

How to deselect duplicate entries in a query?

I’ve got a query like this: and this query returns the result like this: As you can see in the image there is 3 duplicate, unnecessary entries (no, i can’t delete them because of the multiple foreign keys). How can I deselect these duplicate entries from the result query? In the end I want to return 6 entries not 9.
