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Tag: sql

Firebird with .net driver – drop table if exists

I’m new to Firebird and I’m testing a few things to check out the differences between Fb and SQlite (and the .net driver). I am trying to do a drop table if exists followed by the creation of a table. In Sqlite I am able to do this by: However in Firebird the same query fails. I’ve read that this

Recursive Subquerying with sorting

I looked at Tim Hall’s excellent article here, that allows you to work with self-referenced entities and show hierarchical data (starting with top level nodes and joining back recursively), using CTE like syntax in Oracle. So I have code that looks like this: For the the anchor rows (the top level hierarchy J1 entries in my SQL, with NULL parents),

Can I programmatically exit a Firebird script

Consider the following script: The exit is perfectly valid and does cause script execution to end. At least in IBExpert where I am testing this. But I want to do this programmatically. Is the exit in my first example valid Firebird or is IBExpert handling this itself? Is there a different way to exit the entire script conditionally? Answer You

MERGE table, do nothing when matched

I have a table DOMAINS in 2 different schemas with columns ID, NAME,CODE,DESCRIPTION. For any NAME exist in new schema, it should use existing ID without any merge; for those new NAME records, it should insert with ID from old schema. How can i intepret the portion of do nothing in above query? Answer For your case, no need to

Saving a pem certificate in a SQL Server database

I need to save the content of a *.PEM certificate in a SQL Server database. I plan to save it in a nvarchar() column, but I’m not sure what length should I use. I would appreciate any advice. If you have experience with saving pem files to a relational database that would be even better. Answer There is no upper

Adding a new column with data

Below is my table: Now I want to add a new column called ‘Gender’ with values M,M,M,F in 4 rows respectively. I first added a new column using: Now I understand I can add data one by one by using: But how do I add all 4 data at once? Answer You don’t, unless there is some other piece of

MySQL script triggers Error #1241

I have the script below, which is supposed to get a price for an array of ID’s that has been provided. But it needs to get 1 price per ID, and the tricky part is, that I want to have the ability to have scheduled price updates. This mean that it needs to take the price that is <= UTC_TIMESTAMP

Avoid duplicates in postgreSQL

I’m using postgreSQL version 10.3 and I have a table like this: I want to make numerous INSERT and make sure there are no duplicates. So I thought about using INSERT INTO … ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;. The idea is to insert the record only if the values on the columns first | second | third | fourth | fifth
